Perhaps this may have slipped your mind, if so, just a friendly reminder that we are still needing to collect classroom funds. We are asking all classroom band students to contribute a $75 fee which supports the compensation of section specific instruction as well as music licensing fees for our class instruction and concerts. The fee can be paid here in MTK.
This months board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11th at 7:00 pm. Join us in the band room or via Zoom here.
There are a couple of positions that need filling for this year’s booster board. Give the positions a look below and reach out to Kristy Reiver or Amy Kingry at if you feel you can fill this need for the band.
The co-treasurer will work with our current treasurer, Renee Lewis. This position requires only a few hours of work per week keeping the financials of the band up to date to ensure we remain within the budget proposed for the season. This position will require an average of 1-3 hours during Marching Band season and 1-2 hours a week the remainder of the year.
VP of Fundraising:
Fundraising is critical to our band program. Fulton County Schools funds only about 30% of our program each year. Most of the funds we need to support additional class instruction, resources for marching band, indoor percussion and guard are funded by fees and donations received through our fundraising efforts. We need 1 or 2 parents who can take the lead on overseeing and growing these events. This is a position that can largely be managed from home but will require an hour or two each week to ensure success.
Both board positions would allow you to participate in the larger board voting and decision-making process and help drive the vision of the program as it continues to grow.
Parents…give your calendar a look and consider signing up to volunteer for RIP (Roswell Indoor Percussion) first competition at Cass HS. Please sign up today if you can help. Our most urgent need is for parents to drive. We do not use buses for these events and will need to carpool to and from the competitions.